Thursday 21 November 2013


Next week there will be a review of all your group and personal blogs. 

Please ensure that you are up to date with all work.


FP Development Lighting

WIX site

Demented Pictures

How has creative techniques been used in research?

Monday 11 November 2013

HW for Thursday

The four winning pitches:


You must develop your ideas to the next stage and we will expect to see more detailed work on your opening sequences including - storyboards, shot lists, ideas for locations, casting, lighting and set design, props, costumes etc.

Please be ready to have this available for others in the class via your blogs.

The rest of you need to rework your pitches to prepare to compete for the final position (and 3 reserve positions).

You will be expected to pitch your idea again having improved it and reworked it (even changed it completely). We will vote again and this will give us the initial development groups.

All work MUST be updated on the blogs and MAKE IT VISUAL.

Wednesday 6 November 2013


It is vital that you are all prepared for Thursday's lessons.

We are gearing up for the main production process which will culminate in your completed coursework which counts for 50% of your overall grade.

This is your best chance to secure a good grade before the exam a level 4 for coursework will give you a good chance of exceeding your target grades.

Many of you have yet to complete the work set last lesson. Please ensure that you have. There are also a number of you who have not updated your blogs with earlier work set. May we remind you again, HW is not optional.

Due tomorrow
  • Blogged reviews of a selection of vampire movie texts with a focus on narratives and iconography
  • Updated and improved synopsis of your film idea including a pitch, narrative structure and suggestions with regard to sound, images and iconography.
  • Be prepared to pitch your ideas in class.

Due to Ms Downton and to be collected in class tomorrow.
  • Books/essays from those who did not submit Tuesday
    • NachelleZhaneEloiseJade
    • Nimo, Mayleen, Louise

Due by the end of tomorrow
  • All outstanding work on blogs
  • All preliminary exercises uploaded to blogs
  • All evaluations of preliminary exercises added

Ms Downton's recent lessons

TV Drama Lesson 1.pdf

Camera shots,angles and movements.pdf by MediaMassage

Sound.pdf by MediaMassage

Sound Storyboard.pdf

General Mark Scheme.pdf