Tuesday 25 March 2014

The proliferation of Hardware and Content for Institutions and Audiences Lesson 25/03/2014

HOME WORK: Create a prezi/presentation around the following questions. To be posted to your blogs by Tues 01/04/2014... See below for help with the questions, Miss Downton has broken down for you...
1. Identify and Illustrate Hardware and Content used and produced by Independent (British) and Hollywood Institutions.
·         Pick a film made by a Hollywood studio.
·         The content - What is the genre?  Who is the auteur/director?
·         How does this fit in with the fact it is a studio film?
·         What hardware was used to produce the film?
·         Pick a film made by an independent production company.
·         The content - What is the genre?  Who is the auteur/director?
·         How does this fit in with the fact that it is an independent film?
·         What hardware was used to produce the film?
2.      Critically Analyse the effects of the proliferation of Hardware and Content for the same specific studio and production company and talk about production, distribution and exhibition/consumption. 
·         Pick a film made by a Hollywood studio.
·         The content - What is the genre?  Who is the auteur/director?
·         How does this fit in with the fact it is a studio film?
·         What hardware was used to produce the film?
·         Pick a film made by an independent production company.
·         The content - What is the genre?  Who is the auteur/director?
·         How does this fit in with the fact that it is an independent film?
·         What hardware was used to produce the film?

Sunday 23 March 2014


Please look on the assessment page to see detailed notes on your production blogs with feedback on what you need to do and current working levels and marks.

All marks are subject to change and I anticipate all will go up significantly as you complete tasks and improve your blogs including RPP, Production and Evaluation.


A downloadable copy of the feedback is below.

Friday 21 March 2014

Evaluation Question lesson: Q3/4

The next evaluation Questions…
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Tuesday 18 March 2014


Your homework (due Tues next week) is to...

1. Look at the applicable website and answer the questions on Miss. Cowan’s slide about piracy.

2. Research the business methods Pearl and Dean are employing (to deal with audience consumption trends).

3. Update your review tracker sheets that Miss. Downton provided.

Your homework (due Tues next week) is to…
Websites concerning the rights battle for Watchmen (2009):
Website to look at when considering piracy and the effect on the industry:


Websites to look at when considering Pearl and Dean Cinemas (Audience Consumption question):

Ownership and Piracy

Unit G322, Section B 18march

Sunday 16 March 2014

Homework 20/03/2014

  • Please see the last three slides of the Evaluation lesson PowerPoint.
  • Email me if you have any questions.
  • You will need to have completed questions 1-4 by Thurs 20/03/2014.
  • Draw up a to do list, a schedule and divide up the responsibilities for the end of term deadline on the 04/04/2014.

Ms. Cowan.

1st lesson on Evaluations

Evaluation Lesson by StaffCowan

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Help for the evaluation homework due on Thursday 13/03/2014

Hi Melina, sure I can help.
So the questions are...
  1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? This is asking you how your product fits in with the genre type and also filmic conventions i.e. how is your opening sequence similar to existing vampire/horror/thriller films out there? Have some examples of films to make comparisons to. Or is it different to the norm and how? Consider the following technical aspects: camera work (shot types, etc), mise en scene, editing, sound. You might want to break this question up into 3 parts and answer one by one... How your product a) Used b) Developed c) Challenged.
  2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? This question is all about representation within your media product, think of representation of individuals, groups, objects and issues in your Media product. Do your representations fit in with existing representations (any examples)? Do your representations challenge existing representations/stereotypes shown in the Media? You might want to split your reps up into categories...
First of all, write the questions up in an essay style and then once you have done that, consider how to present using innovative technology to answer the question (be creative about it) you might answer the question using 2 to 3 different new technologies per question.

Have a look at the weebly site again for how successful candidates have answered the evaluation questions, candidate D got the highest (but their evaluation did have issues) they used technology well but the evaluation wasn't that coherent. You also want to go into the BSFG blogs for last year's candidates to see how they answered the questions...
Hope that helps!

Miss Cowan.