Thursday 19 September 2013


This week's HW is in preparation for your first significant practical piece of work.

Part 1

You need to research the following:

  • Match on action editing
  • 180 degree rule
and then explain them on your blog in your own words using images (these may be found from the web).

Part 2

Research the format of screenplays using the following links:

Drew's Script-o-rama
50 Kisses Screenplays

evidence of research is shown by selecting a short extract, copying it and posting by embedding from SCRIBD and then using the same format for your own work. 50 Kisses Screenplays are two minutes in length each so a good place to start.

Part 3

Write a short screenplay (2 pages only) for a short sequence which can be filmed in school and which will include the following:

  • match on action editing
  • 180 degree rule
This screenplay must involve at least 2 people. The action in the sequence must be continuous and go from one location to another via a door. And also involve and exchange of dialogue/looks/action between two people.

You must therefore plan how you will use match-on action editing and 180 degree rule to achieve this.

Scripts must be published to the blog using SCRIBD.

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