Thursday 30 January 2014


YouTube FCProX tutorial

Today you should be beginning your edit of your opening sequence using Final Cut Pro X. If you have not yet filmed anything you will nevertheless be expected to cut together a sequence using the software to demonstrate that you have at least a basic understanding of the process.

Thursday 16 January 2014

SCREENR - great tool for evaluation and research

Watch the promo, go to the website and download the app at home. 

Test it out on your next piece of research or pre-production.


Watch the clips - one person for each clip and make notes as you watch - you will need to feedback in your groups. 

How will you use storyboarding to prepare for your shoot? 
How will you use pre-visualising in the locations to prepare for the main shoot? 
What filming techniques will you use on set to ensure success? 

P1: Research - filming techniques, storyboarding - developing a way of filming
P2: review all pre-production using chart and complete outstanding items - prepare to present your pre-production
P3: Production meetings - 10mins to talk through all elements of your production - you need to be prepare to explain - you will be filmed for evidence
P4: Loose ends - depending on the needs of your production

Order of production meetings 
10.50 Nimo, Mayleen, Noreen, Louise 
11.00 Lara, Muna, Michelle, Danika 
11.10 Bintu, Zhane, Anahita 
11.20 Melina, Sahar, Andi

Wednesday 15 January 2014



If you want to be able to borrow equipment you will need a signed letter returned to me.

All planning for production should be well under way.

In thursday's lessons I will need to see all evidence of your production and you will meet with me to discuss where you are with pre-production using the chart I gave you last week - please ensure this is with you.

The order of meetings will be published tomorrow in class.

Practical work to be completed in class

  • Animatic
  • Camera testing
  • Any video edits
  • Any research tasks which are not yet complete

Friday 10 January 2014