Thursday 16 January 2014


Watch the clips - one person for each clip and make notes as you watch - you will need to feedback in your groups. 

How will you use storyboarding to prepare for your shoot? 
How will you use pre-visualising in the locations to prepare for the main shoot? 
What filming techniques will you use on set to ensure success? 

P1: Research - filming techniques, storyboarding - developing a way of filming
P2: review all pre-production using chart and complete outstanding items - prepare to present your pre-production
P3: Production meetings - 10mins to talk through all elements of your production - you need to be prepare to explain - you will be filmed for evidence
P4: Loose ends - depending on the needs of your production

Order of production meetings 
10.50 Nimo, Mayleen, Noreen, Louise 
11.00 Lara, Muna, Michelle, Danika 
11.10 Bintu, Zhane, Anahita 
11.20 Melina, Sahar, Andi

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