Monday 8 September 2014

Welcome to AS Media

Welcome back

If you were part of Head Start Day then you will have submitted some work and will already have created a blog and begun your journey into the world of AS Media Studies.

If you are new then this will be an exciting week packed with things for your to do.

The first of these things is make a blog.

We will be communicating using blogs and our new VLE Frog throughout the year and it is essential that you get to grips with the way these online tools work and how they will help you succeed.

The first thing to learn is that you need to check my blog and frog a few times a week and you should also update your own blog at least once a week with HW, CW and general reflections on the world of Media.

Here you will find the lessons and tasks, links to sites and information about the course, Frog will replicate some of these things but also give you some other support and it is more interactive so will be useful in different ways.

More to follow...

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