Sunday 5 October 2014


A reminder of the expectations for homework this week.

Due on Wednesday the 8th of October

  • View the Primeval extract on the G322 page 4 times while taking notes using the grid framework we have used in class - Camera/Mise en scene/Sound/Editing
  • Then write an analysis of the extract focussing on the representations of Gender.
  • Ensure that you are explaining how the representations are created using the four parts of the grid.
This should take a minimum of 1 hour.

Due on Friday the 10th of October
  • Research a film genre of your choice and be prepared to present your ideas.
  • Focus on: representations, narrative, target audience.
  • How is genre created through the use of camera, mise en scene, sound and editing?
  • Give specific examples. This may be a development of the research you did this week OR it may focus on a different genre.
  • Consider the role that binary opposition plays in the narrative and how it is shown - if you don't know what binary opposition is you will HAVE to look it up.
All BLOGS should now be up to date with all HW, incomplete work will lead to letters home.

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