Friday 10 October 2014

HW due Friday 17th October

Due Friday 17th October

9 Frame analyis of an opening sequence from the wedsite The Art of the Title.
  1. Choose a film or TV drama to analyse - you should look at a few and really take your time to find one you feel strongly about - it cannot be one did in class today.
  2. Screen grab the 9 frame image and transfer it to a word document. Analyse around it in the same way that you did in class. Box it out to make it really clear.
  3. Ensure that you are commenting using:
  • Media Terminology (techincal codes - low key lighting, shot sizes and angle, diegetic sound etc.), media langauges (we did these today - Visual, Aural etc.), semiotic language (connotations, denotations, signifier, signified etc)
  • Media Key Concepts: representations (who, where, what), audience (theories - active, passive, two step flow), narrative (including enigma codes, binary opposition, references or links to other texts, iconography), institution (who made it - production company, distributor), genre, ideology (the world view which is suggested - political, social, good v evil, vampires are sexy, crime corrupts the police etc.)
Watch the sequence after you have analysed and then write an additional paragraph and comment on how the movign images sequence with sound changes or alters your view and adds to your understanding of genre, representations and narrative.


Write a 1 page story outline for a new feature film which you would like to make in one of the following genre.
  • Coming of Age
  • Ghost Horror (or paranormal if you prefer)
  • Action Thriller

You will need to be prepared to pitch the idea to the class next Friday.
  • Tip: write a 25 word pitch for the film as a way of refining your idea and making it attractive to an audience.
  • MUST: you must make links with existing dramas in the genre to show research.
  • You must give us a clear idea about how the movie will start and perhaps have some visual clues about the opening sequence.

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